

Eyebrow lifting is the aesthetic intervention that aims to elevate the side of the eyebrows and to smooth the skin of the temples and the lateral area of ​​the eyes.

The right contour of the eyebrow has a fundamental role in the aesthetics of the look, as it gives expression to the face and reflects the emotional and psychological state of the person.

As time passes, an eyebrow fall (ptosis) may occur with the folding of the upper eyelid skin. The upper part of the face looks flabby and drooping, the look appears sad and aged.

Therefore, the indications to the eyebrow lifting are:

  1. An eyelid skin falling along the eyelash, associated with ptosis of the forehead and eyebrow, and not just a collapse of the eyelids.
  2. A pendant eyebrow that subtracts harmony to the face and creates a tired, gloomy glance, in contrast with the patient’s personality.
  3. A constant wrinkling of the forehead, which causes furrows and headache: the muscular contraction trying to counteract ptosis induces a continuous muscular tension resulting in headache for the patient.
  4. The impossibility to apply the makeup on the upper eyelid because it is overshadowed by over-falling skin.

Surgery can be combined with other techniques, such as blepharoplasty, cantoplasty, face and neck lift, traction or biostimulation, filler, lipostructure and injection of botulinum toxin.

Today’s surgical options include three possible approaches:

Direct Lifting: an incision is performed just above the eyebrow to lift it to the desired position.

Temple Lift: a small cut is made in the hairline of the temple. This scar is barely visible, well concealed by the hair. Through dissection under the skin, the outside of the eyebrow is reached and elevated.

Endoscopic lifting: small cuts are made along the scalp and the endoscopic instruments are introduced, with which the eyebrow is raised in its outer part and wrinkles of the affected area are flattened. The scars are virtually invisible because they are hidden by the eyebrows (in direct lifting), by hair, or by preexisting small expression skin folds. The aesthetic results do not distort the face and are natural: the look becomes expressive and vibrant, the face appears rejuvenated and fresh without harming harmonic proportions and individual’s peculiarities.