

Aesthetic medicine represents a far less invasive and more delicate way of aesthetic surgery, in order to obtain, however, improvements in body imperfections, which are more or less durable depending on the various methods. A great advantage of aesthetic medicine is that it can be performed safely, easily and quickly, without preparation or breaks of normal daily routines, given the rapid times of administration and easy recovery.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide present in many tissues of all living organisms. This molecule, unlike collagen, is devoid of the risk of allergic reactions (as scientifically proven and described in many prestigious scientific articles), and no allergic sensitization tests are required. With hyaluronic acid, it is possible to create volume, reducing the depth of the skin grooves and increasing lip volume and contour.

Following the injection procedure, which is performed after treating the area with anesthetic ointment, oedema (swelling) may sometimes appear for a few days as well as redness of the treated part. Such sequelae normally regress spontaneously without any other complications; rarely small bruises (bruises) can be formed. The duration of treatment is variable, but approximately 4-6-12 months; after this time the treated areas will gradually regain the pre-injection appearance, and a new infiltration session will be advisable.

An interesting mode of injection of hyaluronic acid is the biorevitalization, performed on the face, neck and back of the hands. These are infiltrations of predominantly free and diffusive molecules (not “crosslinked”). The effect thus obtained will not be to fill the grooves or smooth the wrinkles completely, but there will be a tissue reltensioning, an appreciable attenuation of minor wrinkles and a global rejuvenation. The improvement is visible right away, but at least 2-3 sessions are recommended approximately 3 weeks apart. The final result is a more rested and relaxed face, besides a compact, bright and toned skin.

This type of treatment is also recommended as prevention and maintenance, given the extraordinary effectiveness of this treatment in maintaining a young, bright face.

Botulinum toxin

Type A botulinum neurotoxin is a laboratory derivative from Clostridium Botulinum cultures. This toxin acts by inhibiting the neuromuscular plaque and blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, resulting in a functional inhibition of the targeted muscles for a period of about 4-8 months.

The danger of serious toxicity is virtually nil. The main indication is for the treatment of wrinkles and skin grooves caused by the repeated action of the underlying muscles. These are dynamic deformities, which accentuate and attenuate in response to facial mimic expressions and particularly in the upper part of the face. Wrinkles and grooves caused by skin aging or excessive relaxation do NOT respond to botulinum toxin.

The most common indications are:
Periocular wrinkles (at the sides of the eyes “crow’s feet”)
Wrinkles and glabellar grooves (“wrinkles of the thinker”, between the eyebrows)
Frontal “expression” wrinkles
Axillary hyperhidrosis, palm of hands and feet (excessive sweating).

Suspension sutures

Suspension sutures-based lifting is an outpatient treatment feasible even in the medical office, with minimal incisions under local anesthesia which, while not replacing surgical lift, is intended as an equivalent but less invasive treatment for those who seek a natural result without scarring and without surgery. The tension sutures (shorter and positioned through needles) and traction sutures (longer and placed through blunt cannulas or long needles) are inserted under the skin to correct some facial imperfections. The facial and body areas that best suit this treatment are:

  • eyebrows and falling eyelids
  • middle and lower third of the face
  • arms and buttocks

It usually takes 2-3 months from treatment to appreciate a stable aesthetic improvement.


Mesotherapy or Intradermal Therapy (IDT) is a treatment of aesthetic medicine (but not limited to) for face and body.

It is based on very small needles (of Lebel) of 4-6 mm in length and very thin; these sizes allow proper intradermal administration of the chosen medication (homeopathic or pharmacological). Each injection releases about 0.1 ml of product and this results in the formation of a small skin wheal that disappears within a few hours.

The intradermal introduction route reduces side effects (very rare in case of homeopathic mesotherapy), avoids the degradation that would occur in oral and / or rectal absorption (as the skin metabolism is less aggressive than the liver) and thus increases the patient’s comfort and safety; Scientific and clinical practice tests have proven the presence of the medication at the injected site for up to 5 days, allowing a weekly cadence of the sessions. Among the substances that can be injected are for example lipolytic substances (which dissolve the fatty tissue) such as phosphatidylcholine, vasoactive drugs (which protect the blood vessels), anti-inflammatory and anti-oedema (against pain and swelling) depending on the specific condition .

The protocol includes, depending on the substances, 5-10 weekly sessions and a subsequent variable maintenance period depending on the effects obtained; recovery after mesotherapy is almost immediate, without any special restrictions. The only contraindications in the first 24-48 hours, are exposure to UV (sun and lamps), saunas, massages, lymphatic drainage.