

Puckered, heavy or droopy eyelids, eye bags, dark circles can be corrected by blepharoplasty. Depending on the individual case, surgery can be limited to removing excess skin, or even reducing or relocating deep-fat pads and orbital muscle balancing, or real fat injections, until you can modify the line of the eye.

Blepharoplasty can be performed both on the upper and lower eyelids, even simultaneously. After surgery, minimal scars are hidden in the natural folds or eyelid shadow areas. The intervention is an outpatient procedure without anesthesia and the anesthesia is local with mild sedation (the gets moderately sleepy with mild sedatives).

The recovery is immediate, ice is placed locally for a few hours and an ophthalmic ointment applied every day for 10-15 days. The stitches are removed after 4 days and then the patient is reviewed at 2 and 4 weeks after the intervention.

Mild swelling or some bruising may appear, but both of them tend to self-heal within a few days. The result, very pleasant from the start, tends to stabilize within a few weeks. The intervention does not interfere with the visual capabilities, on the contrary it can improve vision in the case of such an eyelid excess that the opening of the eye is compromised.